解密美国司法部起诉中国OTC承兑商洗钱案件 - 猎云财经 美国司法部这次起诉的就是最后一环负责洗钱的田寅寅和李家东。 这一过程中攻击者也往其它交易所充值记录,比如 Bittrex、KuCoin、HitBTC 。 这无疑对各大数字资产交易所的 KYC 和 KYT 业务均提升了要求,交易所应加强 AML 反洗钱和资金合规化方向的审查工作 【8.13区块链早知道】美国将管制数字货币 KuCoin称香港办公室 … 【8.13区块链早知道】美国将管制数字货币 KuCoin称香港办公室为邮寄地址 发布时间:2018-08-13 08:30:29 分类: 深度分析 热度: 4989 1、 比特大陆将 数字货币 以成本价记在其他流动资产 KuCoin矿池推出周年庆回馈活动,瓜分4万美金POL - A5创业网 为了庆祝KuCoin上线2周年,回馈新老用户,丰富KCS持有者的权益,KuCoin孵化矿池产品Pool-X将从9月20日起推出感恩回馈活动,在KuCoin交易所开放POL/USDT
比特币中国新闻网(cn.bitcoin.com)为中国比特币爱好者提供全球第一手的比特币中文新闻资讯,这里有比特币行情走势分析,比特币最新价格,比特币中文新闻资讯,比特币挖矿教程,区块链技术,什么是比特币,比特币挖矿,比特币矿池,比特币矿机等资料! 【KuCoin】KuCoin机构投资者鼓励计划-链外网
Kucoin Many exchanges operate partial KYC , Kucoin among them. What this means is that most traders will not be required to complete verification unless there is suspicious activity or in the case of them wishing to exceed the 2 BTC daily trading limit. KuCoin KYC is now being rolled out for users. Although non-compulsory, failure to provide information will result in withdrawal limits being placed on users' accounts. This follows tightening control by regulators worldwide, concerned digital currency is being used to fund illegal activities. KYC/Withdrawal Limits for USA Residents Does Kucoin aim to allow USA residents to complete KYC and get a limit higher than 2BTC/day? I've searched here and through Kucoin's official communications, but not found any concrete, current information on this (if my search-fu is weak, my apologies.)
KYC/Withdrawal Limits for USA Residents Does Kucoin aim to allow USA residents to complete KYC and get a limit higher than 2BTC/day? I've searched here and through Kucoin's official communications, but not found any concrete, current information on this (if my search-fu is weak, my apologies.) So No Kucoin Verification ( KYC) For USA still? QUESTION. Seems like a legit exchange.. Its a shame they have no KYC for USA .. anyone know if its coming? Interestingly they have KYC for Puerto Rico , which is a USA territory.. I would think the same laws apply when it come to crypto in PR and the USA.. OKEx is a world's leading cryptocurrency exchange with high liquitidy and cold storage technologies which offer BTC, LTC, ETH, BCH, Qtum, Ripple, NEO and EOS trading. KuCoinにKYCが追加されています。 KYCとは「Know Your Customer」の略です。 要するに身元確認ですね。 日本の取引所でも口座開設の際にIDと顔写真をアップロードしたと思います。 KuCoinでもKYCが今回追加になっています。